I finally made the decision to quit practicing law two months ago. When I got out of law school, I was on fire and wanted to work sixty hour weeks, go to court, and basically live at the office. Now, after five years, I think that I am already burned out. Actually, I know that I am burned out. Practice law just wasn’t fun anymore. I was constantly in a bad mood and dreaded going to the office. I gave my two week after a really stressful day at the office without any thought of what I was going to do next. I decided that I wanted to pursue something that I have loved to do since I was a kid, baking. My grandmother was a wonderful sweets maker and even sold some of the things that she made. I decided to open my own bakery. The shop is going to be too small for a comfortable office, so I had T1 Dallas come out to my personal residence and upgrade the networking at my house to work as the command center for the bakery. I don’t live too far away and when I am not at the bakery, I have all of my calls forwarded to the house. So far, I love what I am doing!

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