Monday, June 27, 2011

Hedbanz Game by SpinMaster Review

The Hedbanz Game is one of the most fun games I have played in a long time!  The premise is simple: strap a headband on you head, insert picture card onto the headband (without looking at it) so that everyone else can see it, and ask insightful questions that will help you deduce what the picture is of the card on your head.  Get rid of all  3 of your chips to win the game!  Sounds easy, right?  Guess again.  To make it even more difficult, you have to set a sand timer.  One fun aspect of the game is that you get to ask as many questions as you can during your time.  Questions include "Do I have legs?" or "Do I make noise?" until the timer runs out.  This game is like twenty questions, with simple objects on the cards to guess, but somehow, I wasn't getting any of the answers!

If you happen to guess the picture on your head before the timer runs out, you get to put one of your chips back into the bank and take another card and start asking questions again.  When the timer runs out, and if you can not guess what you are, the next player has a turn.   If a player gives up at any time and does not want to guess any more, they have to take a chip from the bank and a new card is dealt them next time.

My husband played this game with me and we had a blast!  We though that this game couldn't really be that hard.  We found out that this game is not only fun, but challenging too.  I love that Hedbanz helps to develop children's thinking skills and creativity as they learn to play this game.  Along with "deductive reasoning skills with the game's simple question-and-answer premise", your child will have a blast using descriptive adjectives to narrow down their guesses.  I admit, I was not the best at this game and even my husband gave up on a few cards.  We decided to bend the rules and give some hints until we got a better idea of what questions to ask.

I often hear from other Mom's that it is difficult to find games that the whole family can play, especially with younger children.  Hedbanz is a game that is appropriate for the whole family.  The cards show common pictures including, an animal, food, or a common object. The categories are few and simple, but this allows everyone, even young children, to get in on the family fun.  It is recommended for ages 7 and up, but with help, younger children could play along too.  This is a silly game that is definitely fun for the whole family! 

As Mason gets older, I love the idea of having a family game night where we can just be and everyone can have fun together.  The Hedbanz Game is definitely on the list of games we will play.  Since Mason is still too young to play, I have been using the cards as flash cards to teach him new words.  He loves them!

The Hedbanz Game retails for about  $16.99 and is for 2-6 players.  It includes :
  • rule sheet,
  • 74 cards,
  • 24 chips,
  • 6 headbands,
  • and sand-clock timer

Spin Master provided me with the item above in order to facilitate this review.  All opinions are 100% mine.

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