Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Cra-Z-Cookn' Cotton Candy Maker by Cra-Z-Art

When I was little, I had the Snoopy Sno Cone Machine.  I loved sno cones so much, I actually remember setting up my sno cone machine one summer day so I could try to sell them!  I love cotton candy too, but I didn't have a cotton candy maker.  After trying the Cra-Z-Cookn' Cotton Candy Maker, I wish I had.

If you love cotton candy as much as I loved sno cones, the Cra-Z-Cookn' Cotton Candy Maker is for you.  I have to be honest, I have not had cotton candy in YEARS, but I have a feeling that cotton candy will become a staple once Mason realizes the sugary goodness.

I was particularly interested in this product because the cotton candy makers claim it "makes REAL cotton candy REAL fast".  Can it be that easy?  The answer is a resounding, "YES!", it is that easy.

Assembly of the Maker was a matter of connecting the plug, plugging it in, twisting the bowl to the ON position and letting it heat up.  There are suction cups on the bottom of the machine, so it securely stays in place while you are using it.  Once it is heated and ready to go, all you have to do is slowly add the floss sugar mixture into the column cap and watch the cotton candy appear!  Don't forget the paper wand to hold your cotton candy treat.  It takes a little practice to get the perfect cotton candy shape, but with practice, it shouldn't be too hard.

The cotton candy maker was so easy to use and so much fun.  We tried the Banana flavor and it tasted great!  I can tell you it tasted so good, my husband ate my stick of cotton candy and I had to make myself another one. 

The whole experience really brought back memories of being a kid at the circus, cotton candy in hand.  The whole process was pretty quick and there was hardly any mess.  A little sugar ended up on the counter after the first pour of the sugar floss, but once the machine started producing the cotton candy, all the sugar stayed in the bowl.  The machine also broke down easily for cleanup.

The Cra-Z-Cookn' Cotton Candy Maker is great for kids aged 10 and up.  This is a fun toy to keep at home for rainy days, movie night, or would be great to bring out for parties.  Believe me, it will be a huge hit with the kids.  It retails for $39.99.

The Cra-Z-Cookn' Cotton Candy Maker includes the Cotton Candy Maker unit, Power Pack, Paper Cones Tool, and Instructions.  I wish the Cotton Candy Maker came with 1 pack of sugar floss as a starter pack, but refill sets are available.  They retail for about $6.99.

Don't forget to check out more cool products by Cra-Z-Art on their website at:

Cra-Z-Art provided me with the product above in order to facilitate the product review.  All opinions are 100% mine.

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